Statistics on NHS Stop Smoking Services

An interactive infographic

About the project

This project visualizes the "Statistics on NHS Stop Smoking Services in England April 2018 to March 2019," part of a series covering ten consecutive years. The NHS Stop Smoking Service aims to reduce health inequalities and improve health within the local population. The goal is to compare the number of people who set a quit date to those who successfully quit, while considering variables such as age, gender, ethnicity, and the use of recommended pharmacotherapies and behavioral support.


Visual Design

The colour palette contains colours which are in close proximity to the colours of actual cigarettes. The idea is to have the audience subconsciously draw a connection between the concept and the visualization. To add intrigue to the data visualization, the Bar Charts mimic the form of cigarettes, while the Pie Charts are presented akin to a top-down view of a cigarette.

